Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Piggy bank sitting on top of desk with pennies laying around beside it

Feed The Pig

Statement Savings

Savings accounts allow you to put money away and earn interest. They are also a great way to set aside some money for life’s unexpected surprises. Let Pleasants County Bank start a savings program with automatic funds transfer. Funds may be transferred from any Pleasants County Bank account directly to your savings account. Transfers can occur weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

Christmas Clubs

Christmas clubs are a great way to save up for that special time of the year and just $5.00 to open. Once the account is open, you can set up an automatic deposit or deposit funds at your convenience. However, once the funds are deposited you must leave them until club checks are processed the first part of October each year. For more information, please contact one of our customer service representatives.

Certificates of Deposit

Looking for a way to make your money work harder for you? Ask about our full line of Certificates of Deposit. We have terms from three months to sixty months all with competitive interest rates. To view our current INTEREST RATES schedule click here.



NOTICE: PLEASANTS COUNTY BANK. All rights reserved. The Pleasants County Bank of St. Marys West Virginia website contains links and features that are provided to our customers from other sources. We are not responsible for and have no control over the content or subject matter of these links. However, it is our sole intent to provide information that our customers may find useful. Please read our Privacy Policy and Disclosures. Complete regulatory disclosures containing all terms, features and limitations are available at any of our banking offices or may obtained by telephone request by calling 304-684-2227.